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FNAC and thyroid biopsy


Cytological puncture under ultrasound control is one of the most important diagnostic tests for thyroid nodules today.

For the success and reliability of the cytological findings, in addition to the experience of the cytologist, it is important to take the "right" tissue sample, by introducing a thin needle under ultrasound control to the place where the desired material is aspirated (patients describe the pain during the puncture as identical to that during blood sampling from a vein).

Thus, even the smallest node is available for analysis. The obtained material is placed on object slides and stained for cytological analysis. The cytologist analyzes the obtained and pre-stained tissue sample in detail under a microscope and decides whether it is normal, inflammatory or tumor-altered cells.

With FNAC  chronic thyroiditis is diagnosed, benign and malignant nodules are distinguished, and thyroid cancer and lymph node metastases in the neck are suspected.

If you suspect that you have a problem with the thyroid gland or you just want to have a preventive examination, call us and in one hour do one of the thyroid examination packages that we offer, and immediately start therapy if it is necessary (info at

1. Thyroid gland MINI-package - examination by a specialist in nuclear medicine and thyroid hormones, 100.00 KM

2. Thyroid OPTIMUM package -special examination of nuclear medicine, hormones and thyroid ultrasound, 120.00 KM

3. Thyroid MAXI package -examination of spec. nuclear medicine, hormones and thyroid ultrasound, ATP/ATG antibodies, tumor markers (Tg, calcitonin), 240.00 KM