Obavještavamo naše pacijente da od danas mogu početi koristiti online naručivanje na preglede MRI 1,5 i 3T u Sarajevu, uz praćenje uputa koje dobiju tokom registracije. Sve ide jako brzo i pouzdano.
Očekujemo da ćemo brzo uključiti u ovaj sistem i ostale naše usluge. Sve primjedbe, sugestije možete poslati na naš mail:
We inform our patients that starting today they can start using online ordering for MRI 1.5 and 3T examinations in Sarajevo, while following the instructions they receive during registration. Everything goes very quickly and reliably.
You can order via the link:
We expect that we will soon inlcude our other services in this system. You can send all comments and suggestions to our email: